Friday, September 12, 2008

Train smart not easy

Lets face it we all want to look like we've been carved by some historical sculptor. We want to look in the mirror and be happy with the reflection. Seriously though guys and girls, we never will be. We always want what we can't have and are never happy with what we've got.


But to change how we look isn't brain surgery, we must be consistent with our nutrition, our exercise and most of all our attitudes. Forget the quick fix meal, forget the infomercial equipment, forget anyones testimonial promises. Focus on tried and proven methods of getting in shape. Look at the models of yesteryear, before super skinny women were on the covers of all the magazines. Before the image of picking up weights meant turning into some freaky looking mutant with bulges in un-natural places.


No i mean old time athletes, and strongmen. They focused on exercises that complimented their lifestyles and were functional. Think about the motions you do everyday and then focus on the movements they entail. now think about how many different exercises might cover all these motions.

I'll break it down for you:

1: Standing up= Squat

2: lifting things off the ground= Deadlft

3:pushing stuff around= Bench press

4:lifting overhead= shoulder press

5:Pulling stuff around= shoulder press

6:standing / sitting= core exercises for abs

Thats it in a nutshell. you should do 2- 3 of these exercises everyday, not to failure but just out of your comfort zone. 4-5 sets of 4- 5 reps if you do 5 to easily use a heavier weight.

Simple and your whole body will grow stronger, leaner and healthier

Try It for a month and see.

Or try this.

My favourite is routine to work the whole body is deadlifts and incline bench presses 5 days a week in the numbers i mentioned above.

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